E. Kamalam

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“I really liked taking photos – I took a lot at my sister’s wedding on a different camera. I can see the improvement in my pictures and how they have changed from when I first took photos. At the wedding house everyone asked how I learned all these skills, and I told them where. The photos came out really well, and everyone really appreciated them – I took most of the pictures for the wedding. Before the training, I’d have sent over so many pictures, but now I know to sit and how to asses which ones are good to send. I will keep taking pictures after the project is over, using the cameras. The only problem is, now we know how to take photos, if I take pictures at functions and weddings, people want them in albums, so I can’t yet do this for money, I’d like to learn about editing and printing, so I could use the photography as an income generation. The training didn’t cover this, but I’m hoping now to use the cameras to take pictures at birthday parties and events”.

E Kamalam