“I dream of buying a big place and making a big shop in the market.”

Arifa Begum, tailor, Bangladesh


We support workers and artisans changing the fashion sector for good.

In a sector brimming with untold environmental damage and exploitation, our partners are standing up for better, slower fashion.

Around 300 million people work in the fashion industry - and approximately 80% of garment workers are women of colour.

We stand with workers demanding reform. We not only campaign for legislative and policy change, but also support collectives working for better conditions and fair pay.

Key Facts and Figures


the estimated number of people who work in the clothing and fashion fashion industry today

Only 2%

of fashion brands have a public, measurable plan to achieve a living wage for their workers*

*According to a 2020 survey of 250 large brands


of all fast-fashion items end up in landfills worldwide.

Our Featured Projects:

Many large UK fashion brands offload inappropriate, unexpected, and excessive risks and costs onto their supply factories. A Fashion Watchdog, as proposed in the 2022 Fashion Supply Chain Adjudicator Bill, would ensure brands treat their suppliers and workers fairly.

Join us in our fight to help ensure a watchdog is in place to advocate for the people who make our clothes. Check out our webpage to learn more, and see which Members of Parliament are already on board: